#9/300 - Silent Night Reminiscence

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#9/300 - Silent Night Reminiscence

US$ 75 / 0.024 ETH

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One of Li Bai's most renowned pieces, written in the Autumn of 726 AD, soon after Li Bai left Sichuan to begin his wandering journeys. In mere 20 characters, Li Bai conveys his feelings of missing home as he looked out the window to a bright lit moon. This is also one of the most debated pieces written by Li Bai. Scholars often debate the interpretation of the opening word "床" (Literal: Bed), citing 5 different possible interpretations. Among which, the most widely accepted version is the Song Dynasty interpretation for which 床 refers to the paper on ancient Chinese windows (窗户纸). In this interpretation, Li Bai was indoors when the moonlight reflecting off the window paper looked almost like frost. The last two lines based off action words conveyed how he looked up to see a bright lit moon and then looked down and began to miss home. Compared to many literal translations, the Tang300 Poem Series focuses on conveying this precise moment, in as few words as possible, as Li Bai had done in his original poem.

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